Helping you convert information into knowledge

Information is not knowledge

This quote is accredited to Albert Einstein who knew a fair bit about information and knowledge!

Here at Enterprise we are keen to develop the flow of information to our clients which is the way it should be.  We are experts in compiling information, manipulating it into the right form, applying our experience of tax & accounts then presenting it to you….as you are the expert in your business!

Central to this is starting with capturing the right information.

HMRC wants to know more…

HMRC announced that from 1 April 2019 all VAT registered businesses must retain their accounting records digitally and submit their VAT returns from approved accounting software.

We are Xero (Cloud based accounting software) Partners and are using this move from HMRC to kick-start our own information super highway.

From 1 April 2019, we will prepare (with you or for you) your digital accounting records using Xero from which we can prepare the following;

  • Your quarterly VAT return
  • Quarterly management accounts
  • Performance comparisons with budgets
  • Forecasts for the remainder of the year
  • Quarterly calculations for corporation tax and personal taxes
  • Detailed summaries of expenses

To best utilise this information to gain results and a competitive advantage requires knowledge.  At Enterprise, we bring that by the bucket-load using our knowledge of your business sector, your competitors, best practice from other sectors and a wealth of commercial knowledge gained from handling of 1,500 clients each year since 2002.

Using the change to your advantage

Our knowledge combined with yours on how your business operates, its capabilities, ambitions and aspirations makes for a powerful combination. It starts with small building blocks of good quality information being given to you when and how you want it.

When Einstein said “information is not knowledge”, he was right.  But information placed in the hands of those with knowledge is a wonderful thing.

If you’d like to know more about your digital journey along the information super highway to knowledge nirvana then please give us a call on 01302 752700.